Video Poker with tkinter

This program demonstrates a video poker game with the tkinter library.

Programming Issues

This program uses my pcards library to provide the functionality for the cards, card deck, poker hand, and poker hand evaluation.

The tkinter GUI is relatively simple. We set up Label widgets to hold the five cards and other fields. An Entry widget is used to accept and display the player's bet. Finally, a Button widget is used for the push button. A menubar widget is provided to enable the user to quit the game (which can obviously also be done just by closing the main window) and to show an “About” dialog box.

The behaviour of the pushbutton changes depending on context. For example, at the start of the game, the button label reads “Deal” and deals the first hand, whereas after that, it reads “Exchange / Skip” to optionally exchange some of the cards. Labels for the amount of money in the pot, and for status messages, are updated as appropriate during the game.

We record the game state to adjust the behaviour, e.g. the player should only be able to flip the cards when self.game_postdeal is True, and the functionality is disabled when it is not.

We add certain attributes to the Label widgets containing the card images:

We bind the <Button-1> event of each card to the flip() method, to flip the cards when the player clicks on them. The command of the push button is linked to the button_clicked() method to provide game functionality. For those unfamiliar with GUI programming, the programming paradigm is slightly different — with traditional programs we call all our own functions to get input, but with a GUI the user's interactions are captured by the underlying GUI functionality, so to get the user's input to our program the library has to call our functions. User events can be passed to a function of our choice using the bind() function, and the command attribute fulfils the same purpose for actions generated by widgets. (Note: the same paradigm is used for native win32 programs where the WndProc() callback function is provided to Microsoft Windows, to be called when our program should respond to a user (or other) event.)

We try to catch a ValueError exception to validate the user's bet. If it is not an integer — i.e. if int(b_str) throws a ValueError exception — then we show a messagebox and reject the input, returning to the program until the user enter's a valid bet. We also use a messagebox if the user does enter an integer, but it is either less than one or greater than the amount of money in the pot. Since — to save typing — we update the default bet amount each time the user enters in a new bet, we also have to check (technically only after a lost hand) whether the default bet now exceeds the amount of money in the pot, and if it does, to reduce the default bet to that amount, otherwise the player could try to bet more than he has.

The program — implemented as a Python class — interfaces with the module in an appropriate way to create a deck, exchange the cards, evaluate the hand, and calculate any winnings. The functionality in that module is entirely separated from the tkinter interface. Refer to that module for more details.


Note: You will need Python 2.6 or later, and a compatible Tkinter library, installed on your machine before running this program.

Refer to your system documentation for instructions on how to run Python programs. Typically, you can run the program through the command-line interface (e.g. python (you will need to have an X server available to do this on a Unix system) or from an integrated development environment such as Idle.


Screen shot

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