Changing text with buttons

This program shows how to change the contents of an HTML text box with an HTML button.

Programming Issues

The first thing we have to do when using JavaScript is to get the code itself into the HTML document. There are a number of ways to do this:

In most of our examples, we will use the third method. This is preferable for a number of reasons:

We shall see later that there are occasions when the code must be embedded directly into the HTML documents, as well as occasions where it is just easier to do so.

In this case, our code consists of a single function which is called when the push button is clicked. When a document element is clicked, an event is triggered; in this case, the onclick event is triggered. We can specify an event handler as an attribute to any HTML element to catch that event, and to take some action as a result. Note: you are likely to encounter many situations where you see the second word of each event capitalised, e.g. onClick rather than onclick as we have used. This is valid in HTML, but in XHTML (which we use on this site) all event names must be entirely in lower case (this works in both HTML and XHTML).

What we want to do here is to catch the onclick event for our push button, and to call our changeText() function when it occurs. If you view the HTML source for this page, you'll see the code: <input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="changeText()" />. The onclick="" code is our event handler, and the statement changeText() simply calls our function when that event occurs, or when it is "caught."

The code for the function itself is contained within the file basicform1.js, which is specified in the <head> section of this page. The function is defined with the code: function changeText() { … }, the curly braces enclosing the body of the function, the group of statements that comprise it.

The logic for our function is simple: if the text box contains the text "Now you see me!", the function changes it to "Now you don't!"; if the text box contains anything else, the function changes it back to "Now you see me!".

We can access the value in the text box using the code: document.forms["basicForm"].textBox.value. This is an illustration of the document object model. document is an object that represents the HTML document as a whole. Documents contain forms, so document.forms["basicForm"] refers to a specific form within that document. Note that basicForm is the id we have given to this specific form, which you can see in the HTML code: <form action="none" method="post" id="basicForm"> - we could have chosen to give the form another id if we had wanted. Forms contain elements, so document.forms["basicForm"].textBox refers to a specific element in basicForm, in this case the text box. This time, we gave the text box the name textBox in the HTML: <input type="text" name="textBox" value="Now you see me!" size="20" />. (Note: you may also see examples where the name attribute is used for the form instead of the id attribute, and the object accessed by: document.basicForm.textBox. This looks easier and cleaner. However, the name attribute is deprecated for the <form> tag in XHTML, meaning it will eventually be removed from the specification of the language. For this reason, we use id instead, even if it does mean a little more work for us.)

The code document.forms["basicForm"].textBox therefore refers to a specific object, in this case a specific text box in a specific form. Most objects have attributes which contain information about them. A text box object has the attribute value which contains the text within it. Therefore our script can read the text in the text box by accessing the value attribute in this way: document.forms["basicForm"].textBox.value. We can also change the text in the text box by assigning a value to that attribute.

Thus we can see how the code of our function works:

function changeText() {
  if ( document.forms["basicForm"].textBox.value == "Now you see me!" )
    document.forms["basicForm"].textBox.value = "Now you don't!";
    document.forms["basicForm"].textBox.value = "Now you see me!";

Note that:

The statement following the if statement is only executed if the conditional expression evalutes to true, i.e. if the text box contains "Now you see me!". The statement following the else statement is only executed if the condition expresses does not evaluate to true, i.e. if the text box does not contain "Now you see me!". By testing the value of the text box in this way, the script decides what to change that value to.

In this example, as in all the examples, you can look at (and download) the JavaScript code by following the link in the "Source and Downloads" section towards the bottom of the page. You can look at the associated HTML code by simply using the "view source" functionality of your browser. You can see the HTML and JavaScript example in action in the "Demonstration" section of each page, which follows this one.

Finally, another common (and sometimes hard to detect) error when writing JavaScript arises not because there is a problem with the JavaScript, but because there is a problem with the HTML. We recommend validating your HTML using the W3C validator to check the validity of your HTML if your scripts are not working as expected.


Source and Downloads