

  (c) Paul Griffiths 1999

  Example of using variable length argument lists


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

/*  Forward function declarations  */

int  sum      (int nArgs, ...);
void PrintArgs(char *format, ...);

/*  main() function  */

int main() {
    int a = 5, b = 7, c = 11, d = 13, e = 18, result;

    double db     = 3.45;
    char   ch     = 'x';
    char  *st1    = "Random string";
    char  *st2    = "Another random string";

    /*  Demonstrate usage of sum() function  */

    result = sum(3, a, b, c);
    printf("%d + %d + %d = %d\n", a, b, c, result);

    result = sum(4, a, b, d, e);
    printf("%d + %d + %d + %d = %d\n", a, b, d, e, result);

    result = sum(5, a, b, c, d, e);
    printf("%d + %d + %d + %d + %d = %d\n\n", a, b, c, d, e, result);

    /*  Demonstrate usage of PrintArgs() function  */

    PrintArgs("csds", ch, st1, db, st2);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

/*  Function returns the sum of a variable number of arguments
    of type int. 'nArgs' should contain the number of arguments  */

int sum(int nArgs, ...) {
    int     result = 0;
    va_list argptr;

    /*  Initialize argument pointer  */

    va_start(argptr, nArgs);

    /*  Loop through arguments and add to result  */

    while ( nArgs-- )
	result += va_arg(argptr, int);

    /*  Clean up nicely and return result  */

    return result;

/*  Outputs the type and contents of a variable number of arguments
    with different types. 'format' should be a string containing one
    character for each argument. For example, if 'format' points to
    the string "csds", it signifies that there are four arguments, and
        'c' : the first argument is a character
	's' : the second argument is a string
	'd' : the third argument is a double
	's' : the fourth argument is a string
    No other argument types other than the three above are supported
    by this function.                                                  */

void PrintArgs(char *format, ...) {
    int     n = 0;
    va_list argptr;

    /*  Initialize argument pointer  */

    va_start(argptr, format);

    /*  Determine and output arguments  */

    while ( format[n] ) {
	switch ( format[n] ) {
	case 'c':
	    printf("Argument %d is a char, and is set to: %c\n",
		   n + 1, va_arg(argptr, char));

	case 's':
	    printf("Argument %d is a string, and is set to: %s\n",
		   n + 1, va_arg(argptr, char*));

	case 'd':
	    printf("Argument %d is a double, and is set to: %f\n",
		   n + 1, va_arg(argptr, double));

	    printf("Unsupported argument.\n");

    /*  Clean up nicely and exit  */


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