Hello, world! — with colour

This program extends "Hello, world!" by outputting the phrase a number of times, with different foreground and background colors.

Programming Issues

We must call start_color() to initialze colour operations in ncurses, before using any of the colour handling library functions. After doing this, we can call has_color() to find out whether the terminal in use supports colour at all.

To change color, we need to call color_set() and specify a "color pair" to use. A color pair simply consists of a foreground and background color. ncurses has a limited number of color pairs available (you can find out how many by checking the value of the constant COLOR_PAIRS).

In this program, we set up a number of color pairs using the init_pair() function together with the predefined color constants ncurses supplies (e.g. COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN). Once we have defined these, we loop through them, using color_set() to switch between pairs, printing the "Hello, world!" phrase in each one as we go.


Link with the ncurses library. The ncurses "Hello, World!" example includes details on how to do this.

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